Jul 21, 2014
An update from tanner I wanted to take the time to update all of you, our loyal students, about the delayed construction of our new space. Without question this has been the hardest period I have had to face in my 33 and a half years. We started this expansion in August of last […]
Feb 7, 2014
As a business owner, since DAY 1, I have never liked Yelp. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out their marketing ploy from the get-go. Here is what happens: – Clients rank your business – MOST if not ALL 5 star ratings will be filtered UNLESS they are from “trusted” users of Yelp, which […]
Jan 2, 2014
Pun intended… I have been radio silent for a couple of months now because I have had my focus on only one thing: fill the funding gap needed to build my new studio. I am happy to report that I have successfully filled that gap and closed on a deal for the final amount needed […]
Oct 2, 2013
R.I.P Pamela Graef “Nan” May 27, 1926 – Sept 29, 2013 It was only 4-5 months ago that my mom and Nan both were diagnosed with cancer within two weeks of one another. First, my Nan received news that he doctors found a growth that later turned out to be Pleural Mesothelioma, then […]
Sep 18, 2013
R.I.P Tubby Born 8/14/2000 – Died 9/17/2013 My dog, Tubby, has not been doing well for some time. Almost 2 years ago (it was Christmas) he started walking funny, he couldn’t keep his balance, and kept falling over. After taking him to the veterinary clinic we found out he had Vestibular disease. We got […]
Aug 19, 2013
Teaching yoga is like acting: your life is the script and you are the main character. Action! One of the most difficult things that I have ever had to face as a yoga instructor is walking into a room full of people waiting/needing for me to teach class while I am going through a difficult […]
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