State of the Studio Address
An update from tanner
I wanted to take the time to update all of you, our loyal students, about the delayed construction of our new space.
Without question this has been the hardest period I have had to face in my 33 and a half years. We started this expansion in August of last year with a clear path to open by the end of 2013, and then there were complications…
The good, the bad, and the ugly…
On a positive note I am sure you have all heard the jackhammering next door. While this is a sign of progress, we face many challenges moving forward. Unfortunately, much of what you hear is the demolition of much of the previously completed work, because of code violations and poor workmanship.
What happened?
To make a long story really short, I was misguided by the advice of a consulting company I hired to help Y2 with this project and in picking the GC. In doing so, I chose the wrong GC.
Y2 gave him a lot of money, it got spent, on what we have no idea, we asked but never got details, we fired that GC and there will be a lawsuit.
Kind of heavy? Yeah, it sucks, but I never did mind the little things.
Yogis don’t dwell on the past, we focus on the present. We are moving forward and plan to open our long awaited studio at a date to be determined very soon. Challenges are in front of us (there will always be challenges), but we will meet those challenges and reward your faith in us with the best studio on the planet!
Can’t nobody take my pride,
Can’t nobody hold me down,
Oh no, I’ve got to keep on movin!
– Puff Daddy
Please know that we could NOT have endured this setback without your continued loyalty and support. The best way you can support us going forward is by continuing to practice, buying a ton of Poland waters, and purchasing a different colored yogi toe for each day of the week. In fact if you want to cash in your kids college fund and donate that anonymously, that would help to.
Just kidding… 

IF you do really want to help further…
Almost 2 years ago we offered clients special 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year membership options to show support as Founding Believers. We will offer these again between now and when we open. You will receive a Founding Believer yogi toe, and your name will be listed on a special recognition wall in the new space.
We will place posters up over the next few days with details and will provide further updates as more specifics become available.
On a side note, my best friend Ben Singer represents 2 musicians:
This guy,

and this girl,

and this girl,

Personally, her latest song is sort of my anthem for 2014.
Check it out:
And don’t stop believing!